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A WARNING ABOUT MODELING JOB SCAMS By modeling expert, casting director, art director, and photographer C. A. Passinault LOOK AT TODAY'S MODELING JOB LISTINGS - POST A JOB ON OUR MODELING JOB BOARD - ABOUT OUR MODELING JOB BOARD WARNING: Modeling job scams are on the rise, because they effectively lure in models and aspiring models with the promise of paid modeling jobs. Beware of modeling jobs which are advertised on the radio, or in the paper, which claim to offer modeling jobs with major department store fashion shows, and with no experience necessary. We have never seen any of these turn out to be legitimate modeling job offers. Modeling and talent agencies are the only ones who can legally make money by referring models into modeling jobs, they have to be licensed, and we have never seen a legitimate modeling agency spend money like this to advertise modeling jobs. Additionally, in Florida, it is against the law for a licensed modeling agency to make money by offering modeling portfolio photography services, or making money by referring a model to a modeling portfolio photographer. It costs money to run those ads and to run those commercials, and you really have to ask yourself how they make their money back; if they keep running those commercials, you know that they are making money somehow. Additionally, no business in their right mind will EVER consider a model with no experience, regardless of who refers them, as they are too risky to work with. In most cases, these modeling job offers are modeling job scams who lure in models with the promises of modeling jobs which may or may not exist, and they turn around and sell the models modeling portfolio photography services, modeling conventions, and modeling schools which are overpriced, and ultimately worthless for any modeling career. Try to find out who is offering the modeling jobs, too, such as the so-called "major department stores". Better yet, call up the major department stores in your area and ask them if they work with the modeling company who is advertising the modeling jobs. Don't be surprised if the major department stores don't know who they are, or if they do, that they are angry because their modeling jobs are being used as bait to rip models off. If it is too good to be true, it usually is, and in this case, we have never seen an advertised modeling job turn out to be the real deal. So, the modeling consultation company or the modeling management company claims that, because you don't have experience, that you will have to buy their modeling portfolio photography services that they are selling and their other overpriced modeling services, such as instructional classes. So, what happened to the modeling jobs? They can't refer you until you have the proper portfolio? Since they have to be a licensed modeling agency in order to make money by referring you to the modeling jobs that they are advertising, and it is against the law for a legitimate modeling agency to make money by selling any modeling portfolio photography services or model development services, how are they able to follow-through on referring models to the modeling jobs that they were advertising? They can't sell services or make money from referring model to services if they are a modeling and talent agency, and they are not allowed to make money by referring models to modeling jobs if they are not a modeling agency and they make money by selling services. If they claim that their modeling portfolio photography services or other modeling services will give the models the tools and the "experience" that they need to book the modeling jobs that they are advertising, don't believe them! They obviously misled you to meet with them so that they could sell you modeling services, instead, and this is dishonest. Being a misleading, dishonest tactic, which is an illegal deceptive trade practice, how can you trust them? While it is not illegal to sell modeling portfolio photography and modeling development services, tricking models into being pitched those services by advertising modeling jobs, modeling jobs that they cannot legally make money referring models into, is. It makes them a modeling job scam, and they should avoided at all costs! So, they claim to "know of" modeling jobs that they can refer you to, that is, after you buy what they are selling, and they don't make money referring models to those advertised modeling jobs, and they know that they cannot do this because they are not a licensed modeling agency? Don't buy it! No one is going to work for free. After they sell you whatever it is that they are selling, they no longer have any incentive to follow-through on their promises on referring you to those modeling jobs. What do they do, do all the work of cold-calling businesses, which offer modeling jobs, like an agency booker when they can't make money that way? Oh, they will find modeling jobs and refer models to them out of the goodness of their hearts! Even if that were true, it is not good business to do all that work for free, and if they are not good at business, how can they help you with modeling? Besides, if this were true, and they really did refer models into modeling jobs without getting paid for doing so, they would freely do this regardless of whether the model buys modeling services from them or not, and this won't happen because those modeling jobs serve as bait! So, if the modeling jobs really do exist, how do they obtain their modeling job leads? They do it the same way that most independent models do. They go on an Internet search engine looking for modeling jobs, and then find the Independent Modeling modeling job board because we are at the top of those search results. They steal our modeling job information, and then use it as bait for their modeling job scam, without telling the models where they obtained the modeling job information, implying that the modeling job is working with them. Also, they will not reveal what the modeling jobs are until after model is tricked into buying their services. The model is then on their own with the job leads, and they are unhappy when they learn that the leads were stolen from a free modeling job board, and that they actually didn't have to buy any services to obtain those modeling job leads. DO NOT trust any modeling job source who steals from free modeling job web sites, and who then attempt to bait models with those modeling job leads, selling the information to them. This is a resell scam, and it is common with modeling job scams. If they steal from us, they are ripping us off and our exploiting the modeling jobs offered by the businesses who post modeling jobs on our modeling job board. If they rip us off, they will rip you off, too. The Independent Modeling modeling job board and modeling job resource may have genuine modeling job leads, but this is not the reason that we set up the modeling job board. This is not the reason that we maintain it. The primary reason that we set up our modeling job board, and its primary purpose, its to combat and undermine modeling job scams! Flood the modeling industry with legitimate modeling job leads, and position the modeling job leads at the top of search engines so most models know the true source of those modelng jobleads and that they are not obligated to buy anything to obtain those leads, and modeling job scams use bait which is no longer worth as much. As a matter of fact, it becomes Russian Roulette for the modeling job scam to use those well-known, free modeling job leads as bait, because they cannot tell if the model who they are pitching knows where they obtained it. If the model knows, and they pitch it, then their credibility is gone, because the model then knows that they are dishonest, and that they are a high risk for ripping them off, too. Of course, the modeling job scam could conceal exactly what the modeling job is until after they sell the model a modeling service, but that won't work too well, either, expecaily when most models will know that they can get good modeling job leads on Independent Modeling without any obligation to buy anything. There is no way that a modeling job scam playing the "hide the modeling job specifics" game can compete against a free source of plentiful modeling job leads. Sure, there will be modeling agency bookers and modeling job scams who will use the Independent Modeling job boards as a source of leads, but we have measures in place to discourage that, also. We will be educating our modeling job sources on what to look for, and what to avoid, so that this practice will be disrupted, and integrity will be maintained in the process. Businesses who post modeling job leads on the Independent Modeling modeling job board will be encouraged to verify where the models learned about the modeling job. If it is a modeling job scam which was the source, the professional credibility of the model will be in question, and they won't be considered, because the model was stupid enough to fall for a modeling scam. If the model was told to say that it was"Independent Modeling", the modeling job scam just gave away the source that it stole the modeling job lead from and the model will then know. If the source is a modeling and talent agency, economics will come into play, and the business will know that they can save money by not going through an agency to find models. As you can see, it will be a very hard sell for those who attempt to take advantage of the Independent Modeling modeling job board. The checks and balances are in place, and they will discourage such tactics. Additionally, any modeling job scam who claims an affiliation with a business offering a modeling job lead misrepresents their relationship with the business and tarnishes the reputation of the business because they are using them to bait models in a modeling job scam. The modeling job scam opens themselves up to potential legal liability when they do this, and it becomes too risky. Our goal is to make it very difficult for these modeling job scams to operate, and it will be harder for them to do what they do because of us. UPDATED 04/25/09
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BLOG - MODELS - RISKS - JOBS - FEATURES - TUTORIALS - SERVICES - RESOURCES - CONTACT SITE MAP - TERMS OF USE - DISCLAIMER - PLAGIARISM STATEMENT Photography by Aurora PhotoArts. Athena Class Web Site by Aurora PhotoArts. Events by Frontier Event Planning. The agency way is no longer the only way of having a professional career as a model. There is no arguing against common-sense and proven business practices. Modern professional models think for themselves, network, and book work both as independent models and by using agencies as one of many sources of jobs. This is the future of the modeling industry. This is an Athena Class modeling resource web site by Aurora PhotoArts, a Passinault.Com company. Athena Class 0001, commissioned 011213.1000 hrs. Site layout, design, and web updates by webmaster C. A. Passinault and our team of professional independent models and industry contributors. This web site resource is dedicated to bringing balance and integrity to the modeling industry, and our mission is to help professional models, photographers, and the businesses who book them. Web Site Design by Tampa Bay web design company Aurora PhotoArts. Webmaster and the new Athena Class web site design by C. A. Passinault. Main Tampa photography by Aurora PhotoArts Tampa Bay Photography and Design. Athena Class 2.0 - Site Version 7.0 INDEPENDENT MODELING MAIN WEB SITE INDEX UPDATE HISTORY Independent
Modeling updated and completely refreshed on server 01/12/13 © Copyright 2001-2013 Independent Modeling. All rights reserved. |